Melodica-tuning Software

I have found this super-helpful for both tuning and melodica research projects. It shows me, with precision, how my tuning operation is going. I can also use it to test the repeatability of my measurements. In the images below, each sets of bars of a given color represent one test run.

This set of data helped me work through the design of my reed-plate heater. It shows exactly how heating the reed plates affects the pitch of each reed. (On average, heating the reed plate to ~38C drops the pitch of all the reeds by about 4 or 5 cents.)

Possible Next Steps

I like what I have so far, and the potential to do many more things with this. I’ve been using it to study the relationship between pitch and blowing pressure.

1) Make it available to others as an executable (PC only, I’m afraid) - I haven’t actually tried doing this before

2) Hire someone to develop this as a phone app (haven’t done this before either!)

3) Continue adding features as I think of them.


How does pitch change with blowing pressure?


Moisture-Busting Melodica!