Dr. Melodica is drawn to uncharted territory at the intersections of music, engineering, and social justice.  A keyboard player, his fascination with the melodica began with his desire to participate in the Somerville, Massachusetts ‘HONK! Festival of Activist Street Bands’ parade.  Deeming it too difficult to push a piano down the street, he sought an acoustic keyboard instrument he could march with.  A melodica fit the bill- partially.  Applying his engineering skills, he was soon modifying these instruments in attempts to make them play louder, be easier to tune, stay in tune longer, require less effort to play, and suffer less from moisture problems.  He loves playing the instrument, and challenges himself with advanced melodica techniques such as two-handed playing, note-bending, and circular breathing.  Naturally curious, he conducts research on various aspects of the instrument.  He makes educational and performance videos that he posts on his Youtube channel.  He enjoys collaborating with like-minded members of the global melodicist community.